CCTV system


Section 4: CCTV system: What is the image sensor?

          Components image sensor in the camera is functioning image signal converted into an electrical signal
          The image sensors commonly used today is the CCD sensor technology (Acronym of English words: charge-coupled devices) and CMOS sensor technology (Acronym of English words: complimentary metal-oxide-semiconductor).



Section 3: Principle of camera

Understanding principle of operation of the camera will help us better understand the principles of operation of CCTV systems, which will be the correct choice when looking to buy yourself a camera products on market. With his experience, Meper always willingly assist with all inquiries about the CCTV system.



Section 2: CCTV system: Principle of Eyes

          They say humans are marvels of nature, the human eye is the masterpiece of ... masterpieces. Indeed, the eyes not only a visual but also may be other senses, so people say, "The eyes are the windows to the soul". From past to present, people still ply design and complete CCTV system to fully simulate the operation of the eyes but only achieved very limited.



Section 1: What is CCTV system?

          CCTV system is used more and more widely because they can work tirelessly around the clock. We help managers know what has and will happen when he can not keep an eye at all times to areas where CCTV system is monitored.


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